The NT990 BNWAS/AWCS Bridge Navigational Watch Alarm System (BNWAS) combined with an Alarm Warning & Communication System (AWCS) results in the Navitron model type NT990 BNWAS/AWCS which is a robust and intelligent monitoring device compliant with MSC specification MSC. 128(75) – the IMO adopted standard for BNWAS - IEC 62616 and with the rules of the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping (RMRS). The Alarm system provides initial malfunction notifications of various ships navigational equipment to the bridge watch personnel and provides a backup facility for the Officer of the Watch (OOW) by automatically alerting the Master or other qualified personnel if the OOW is rendered incapable of performing regular and consistent watch duties. The system also provides an Emergency Call facility in order that the OOW, or other watch personnel, can call for immediate assistance.
The NT990 BNWAS/AWCS is fully expandable from the Basic equipment required for smaller vessels to the fully comprehensive configurations appropriate for much larger ships. Available equipment includes optional Bridge Visual Alarm, Officer Selector Switch, Bridge Reset and Movement Detector Units in addition to the requisite number of 2nd Stage (Officer Call) and 3rd Stage (Final) Crew Call and Public Area Audible Alarm Units.
The NT990 BNWAS/AWCS also provides analogue and serial data output facilities to interface with Central Alarm Panels and other ships equipment such as VDRs etc.